Our pick is Savannah Grass! Everything else is good enough for short bursts of energy. In a fete, in carnival parties and shows all the other songs will surface to create instant bursts of ecstasy but if you have to go all day with the rest of the Power Soca field of songs you will not make it to the Savannah Stage or even see the Savannah Grass!
Did you get that? Do you feel me? Everyone is picking Famalay to run away with the Road March Title this year because of the impact the song is having on day fetes! Nice, we love that but by the time it is time to hit the road people will be weary of Famalay! Trinidadians like hype and the allure of what Machel Montano can do with his promotions. He is a relentless warrior who knows how to market his music. If only, the consumer can take some time and really listen to the songs, fell the vibe then many of the sounds out there will stand a chance when Band leaders make decisions regarding the songs they want played on the road. Remember that the Road March Song is the People's Choice for the Road Parade! As the consumer, the person paying to play mas, you have the right to say whick song you want to cross the Savannah stage with... let your voice be heard and if the majority of peopls say they want to cross the stage with Savannah Grass then let the power of the people prevail!
Now the dark horse in the race is that release by Erphaan Alves x Nailah Blackman x Sekon Sta. That is a dangerous song for all those that have their eyes on that coveted title. "Brave, we ready, we done start, we ready, dem cyar challenge we... right day, right dey, right dey"; this could catch on quickly!
Pandemonium by Voice x Wuss Ways (Lil Natty and Thunda) x Travis World is an interesting song. Travis World is the star on the block for Soca music productions in Trinidad today. He has a few Power Soca productions competing for the Road March Title but this new music release combining Voice with the energy of Lil Natty and Thunda could be problematic for many. One has to pay attention to the Three-peat Soca Monarch and the stars out of Grenada.
We think that the contenders are few with the winner listed in this paragraph. Not every Power Soca song released will contest for the Road March title. People in Trinidad and Tobago will gravitate to the so called big name artistes. So watch songs released by Machel Montano and any Power Soca Song that he is on with other artistes (includes Super Blue, Skinny Fabulous and Bunji Garlin). Now add in Iwer George, Patrice Roberts, Destra Garcia as the main talents that band leaders will want for their road rampage. We are adding Brave by Erphaan Alves x Nailah Blackman x Sekon Sta along with our pick "Savannah Grass" as contenders as well as our pick.
So let's finish where we started... our pick is "Savannah Grass" by Kes The Band. Slow down now and pay attention to why we made this choice. We pick Savannah Grass because it provides music for a nice chip, a sweet wine, has a glorious 'I am alive' feel to it, and (pay attention now) it will help you save your energy as you brave the hot sun all day long! Finally, I can't believe that you haven't already realized that you just can't go wrong with dem girls darling Kees Dieffenthaller! Just take a moment and isten to Savannah Grass and you will come to the realization that this song is full of carnival vibe... just right for a road song, for a Road March Title! Ent...
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Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We encourage you to promote the artistes and their music; please don't download and share the music and rob the artists of needed income! Music for sale should be purchased while music distributed for promotion purposes should be treated as such and not
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♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in TV Frame).
Look at People! This was the scene at Saints Fete - Savannah Grass for Road March 2019