Photo © LoopTT
Famalay for the Road March Title but wait, Killa is turning up the pot with "Run Wid It'! Having said that we want everyone to know that we have a favorite song for Road March honors; we pick Savannah Grass!Famalay is the favorite to win Road March, Run Wid It is the current hype track but the people's favorite for niceness is Savannah Grass! One has to be honest and did deep and ask oneself, which song is the sweetest? Fans who want to really get on bad will love "Famalay" and all that the majestic threesome has given to that track. It is difficult to come up against Machel, Bunji, and Skinny Fabulous and win... count your blessings to witness history in the making! Having said that, we have a preference for this year's Road March title. Wait for it, our song of choice is 'Savannah Grass'... hold dem big stones eh, doh pelt any yet!
Yes, everyone thinks that it looks like history will be made with two Trinis and the creative genius of Saint Vincent's Skinny Fabulous with music produced by Dominica's Dada Music... a true Caribbean effort to secure the Road March title in Trinidad and Tobago. Aah, but our favorite is the song that presents itself as the song to chip to, the song to take 'ah wine' with, and the song that is so damn sweet for the road... Savannah Grass by KES the Band. This song gives you the opportunity to be creative, to have fun, breathe, rest, have fun, and create your memorable carnival of all carnivals. Savannah Grass is a beautiful song (yes we said beautiful)! Pure niceness, the joy of being a child of the Caribbean reveling that that sweet sunshine on your shoulders as you chip to the music on a glorious sunny carnival day. We have an idea that could work for those who love Famalay and for those who feel the same about Savannah Grass... check this out.
How about a song for the road... regardless of how the Road March is judged we are looking at a song that is so damn sweet that people play mas and celebrate life on the streets with passion while dumping their troubles for two days of revelry... that song is Savannah Grass! Now, when it is time to hype up the moment, to celebrate the message of the carnival presentation on the Savannah stage judging point the song of choice should be "Famalay"! Now let's clear the air now, simply because we don't know where the judging points are for the Road march we expect Famalay to be the most popular song that crosses the Savannah Stage but Savannah Grass to dominate the street parade. Our preference is Savannah Grass. What do you guys, out in the Internet Universe, think about that?
We have not forgotten about the pandemonium that "Run Wid It" by Mr. Killa is causing in Trinidad and Tobago. That song will go head to head with "Famalay" not "Savannah Grass". Savannah Grass is for the sophisticated reveler, the 'sweet-winer' while "Famalay" and "Run Wid It" are for those who have the energy to burn!
It is our humble opinion that this year's Road March will come down to Famalay and Savannah Grass. Machel is a very good salesman but we are hoping that "D'Girls Dem Darling", the head of the Red Man Association, can pull this off! We are only throwing out ideas. Savannah Grass for D'Road and Famalay for D'Savannah Stage. Judging on the streets and judging on the Savannah Stage. What is your opinion?
Use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the song here with your peers. All comments will be posted. Please don't forget to visit us on our 'Facebook Fan Page'. Use the search term @sokah2soca and don't forget to "LIKE US". We are also on Twitter and are now using Instagram; SoundCloud and don't forget to #Sokah2Soca and Enjoy!
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't download and share the music and rob the artists of needed income! Music for sale should be purchased while music distributed for promotional purposes should be treated as such and not
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Use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the song here with your peers. All comments will be posted. Please don't forget to visit us on our 'Facebook Fan Page'. Use the search term @sokah2soca and don't forget to "LIKE US". We are also on Twitter and are now using Instagram; SoundCloud and don't forget to #Sokah2Soca and Enjoy!
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't download and share the music and rob the artists of needed income! Music for sale should be purchased while music distributed for promotional purposes should be treated as such and not
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