National Calypso Queen Competition | Trinidad & Tobago 2017

Miss Sasha Ann Moses is the New National Women's Calypso Monarch for Trinidad & Tobago 2017 Carnival Festival

The National Calypso Queen for Trinidad and Tobago Carnival 2017 was held on Monday February 13th. with a new National Calypso Queen crowned.

Congratulations are extended to all the ladies who participated in last nights competition. In the end only one person emerged as winner. Miss Sasha Ann Moses unleashed her song entitled 'The Main Witness' to wrest the crown away from the other participants.

It is amazing that this show does not garner the prominence that it deserves. The women singers are some of the best in Trinidad and Tobago but don't seem to get the respect they deserve. Maybe the award recently won by Calypso Rose may cause the powers that be to finally promote this show properly and show some respect to the ladies. 

The show was sponsored by the National Women’s Action Committee (NWAC) and took place at  Queens Hall in St. Anns, Trinidad.

There isn't much information available about the show since it was not broadcast live on the radio or via an Internet feed. Only a published notice of the results was made available today on facebook. Let's hope that next year's show will receive better promotion and broadcast capabilities.

Here is a list of the Contestants who participated in the competition:
  1. Alana Sinnette
  2. Terri Lyons
  3. Georgia Mc Intyre
  4. Allison Bernard
  5. Eunice Peters
  6. Stacey Sobers
  7. Morisha Ransome
  8. Wendy Garrick
  9. Kerice Pascall
  10. Fabikur Fraser
  11. Kering Williams
  12. Genisa St. Hilaire
  13. Jermeeka Mundy
  14. Nakeda Darius
  15. Giselle Fraser Washington
  16. Natasha Nurse
  17. Lesley-Ann Ellis
  18. Malaika Ballantyne
  19. Tammico "Spicey" Moore

Here are the results for the top ten places... Sasha Ann Moses is the new National Calypso Queen of Trinidad and Tobago. Of course Calypso Rose will remain our honorary Queen for Life!

Sasha Ann Moses (2017 Women's Calypso Monarch)
Name of Singer
  1. Sasha Ann Moses (New Monarch)
  2. Wendy Garrick
  3. Kerine Williams-Figaro
  4. Terri Lyons
  5. Giselle Fraser-Washington
  6. Genisa St. Hillaire (Nisa)
  7. Tammico Moore (Spicey)
  8. Morisha Ransome
  9. Makeda Darius
  10. Alana Sinette
Name of Song
  1. The Main Witness (Winning Song)
  2. Fly Trinbago
  3. End of Days
  4. The Destructive Phrase
  5. The Argument
  6. The Market Place
  7. Missing You
  8. Chief Servant
  9. Baptism
  10. Sheletons
We don't have any live performances for the live show but we with the help of a friend (Vush), we have a few songs that were part of the show (from YouTube) for your listening pleasure. 

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